Pizza Garden

OBJECTIVE Students will utilize the principles of arcs, tangents, circumference, radius, and circular area to design a “Pizza Garden”. Students will see how moving from equations to real life presents challenges, and at the same time how important it is to know the equations to make the application work. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How can we use […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

The Science of Bread Baking

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the components and processes involved in making bread. Students will experience the full process of sourdough fermentation and baking. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS MATERIALS PROCEDURE Lesson 1: Introduction to WheatIntroduction: Bread is known as the “staff of life,” a staple food for manycivilizations, regarded highly because of its transformation through its rise. Whatare […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Tortilla Factory- Part 2

OBJECTIVE Students will go through the process of identifying and saving a particular type of seed. They will also understand the significance of saving seeds. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we take part in the Mexican tradition of growing, processing, and eating corn? MATERIALS NEEDED PROCEDURE Ahead of time- set up grinder beforehand, make sure students […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Food and Mood

OBJECTIVE Students will explore how different foods evoke emotions and memories, helping them understand the personal significance of their food choices. Students will learn about the nutritional value of various foods and how these choices can impact their mood, concentration, and overall well-being. Students will practice mindful eating techniques, focusing on the sensory experience of […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics

Colonial Grains and Cooking Unit

OBJECTIVE By researching, harvesting, and cooking grains with a colonial recipe, students will learn where grains come from and feel empowered to cook their own foods. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? How does food inform identity? How have our relationships to food changed over time and how have they stayed the same? What […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Little Red Hen- Breadmaking

NOTES Lesson One- Introduce Little Red Hen OBJECTIVE Students will understand what bread comes from a plant called wheat. Students will understand that we can make bread. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does bread come from? MATERIALS NEEDED  “Little Red Hen” by Jerry Pinkney Cards with animal characters from the story (dog, rat, goat, pig). PROCEDURE Lesson […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics ,