Flower and Pollinator Adaptations

OBJECTIVE Students will understand that flowers and pollinators, through evolution, have adapted to each other. Students will understand that pollinators go to flowers for the food sources of nectar and pollen, and flowers attract pollinators to help them with pollination. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How does pollination work? Why is pollination important? MATERIALS NEEDED Flower and pollinator […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Moon Gardening

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the connection between the lunar cycle and the plants in the school garden. Students will be able to observe the phases of the moon, and recognize the ideal times for various garden tasks. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How is the moon connected to the garden? MATERIALS NEEDED Moon calendar template Journals Materials for […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Moon Gardening Experiment

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the connection between the lunar cycle and the plants in the school garden. Students will be able to identify the different moon phases and plan their garden tasks accordingly. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How does the moon affect the plants in our garden? MATERIALS NEEDED Prepped garden beds Seeds (any leaf crops – […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Seasons and Light

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the role of sunlight in the change of seasons. Students will recognize the effects of light on plants. Students will be able to identify different types of plants and their different needs. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are seasons? How do seasons affect us? How do seasons affect plants? What kinds of tools […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Spring Seed Starting

OBJECTIVES Students will be able to explain what a plant breeder does, and know the definition of trait and variety. Students will understand that eaters and gardeners have the power to choose which kinds of crops continue to thrive. Students will know how to start seeds. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What does it mean to breed plants? […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Pollinator Garden Planting

OBJECTIVE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we plant a pollinator garden? How can we capture the experience of the garden in a poem? MATERIALS NEEDED Flower starts, word harvest worksheets PROCEDURE Introduction: What do we already know about pollination? How have flowers adapted for animal pollinators? How have animals adapted for flowers? What do the flowers […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics