Students will understand where sunflower seeds come from. They will understand that we can eat sunflower seeds and use them to make food.
Where do seeds come from? How can we use seeds?
Shelled sunflower seeds (preferably unsalted) Unshelled sunflower seeds, Olive or coconut oil, Honey
Salt (optional), Pretzel sticks or some other food item to put the sunflower butter on Food processor
1⁄4 cup, 1⁄2 and 1⁄4 teaspoons, Rubber spatula, Two spoons for serving, Little cups, Paper plates, Extension cord
- Explain that we’re going to turn sunflower seeds into sunflower butter, just like how
peanuts get turned into peanut butter. Show them the ingredients- sunflower seeds, olive
oil, and honey. Tell them that our sunflower butter will look and feel almost like peanut
butter. - Using a small measuring cup (like 1⁄4 cup) let each child put a scoop of sunflower seeds
into the food processor. - Blend the sunflower seeds for the amount of time it takes to sing the first verse of “You
are my sunshine” or “Mr. Sun” - Check on the sunflower butter. Does it look like peanut butter yet? (No, too dry). What
do we need to add? - Using a small measuring spoon, (1⁄2 to 1⁄4 tsp) let each child hold the spoon over the food
processor while you pour oil into it, then let them pour it in. Add a little honey and salt- it’s such a small amount that it’s easiest to let the adult do this part. Ask the kids how they think the oil and honey will change the sunflower butter. - Blend it for another song verse, and check on the progress? Does it look like peanut butter yet? It usually takes 3-4 song verses. The kids can keep cracking open the unshelled sunflower seeds while they wait.
- When the sunflower butter is all done, place a spoonful in each small cup, along with a few pretzels and let everyone taste.
Wrap up/ Assessment: Vote on who liked it (thumbs up), who didn’t care for it (thumbs down), and who felt so-so (thumbs sideways).
Wrap up/ Assessment: Vote on who liked it (thumbs up), who didn’t care for it (thumbs down), and who felt so-so (thumbs sideways).