Salad Garden Eating and Celebration

OBJECTIVE Students will try fresh vegetable produce ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do we grow in the garden? How can we prepare a garden snack? MATERIALS NEEDED 2 big bowls for lettuce and massaged kale salad; 4 small bowls for feta cheese, dried fruit, sunflower seeds and dressing; plastic bag; lemon juice, olive oil, rice vinegar, honey, […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Food and Celebration

OBJECTIVE Students understand that special foods are used for special occasions. Students learn how to taste with respect and discretion. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? How does food build community? What is the role of food in celebration? MATERIALS NEEDED Pre-lesson writing prompt: Write a brief descriptive paragraph about the food you had […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Colonial America- Harvest Season

MA CURRICULUM FRAMEWORKS 3.3 Identify who the Pilgrims were and explain why they left Europe to seek religious freedom; describe their journey and their early years in the Plymouth Colony. (H, G, C, E) OBJECTIVE Students will be able to identify the different types of food the the colonists ate and rhe reasons why these […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Cider Pressing

OBJECTIVE Students will explore the machine that makes apple cider. By taking part in the process, students will understand how apples turn into cider. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where do apples come from? How do apples grow? What can we do with apples? How can machines help us make food? What is your favorite kind of apple? […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Apple Unit

OBJECTIVE Students will understand where apples come from, know some different apple varieties, and know how to make food with apples. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do apples grow? What can we make with apples? MATERIALS NEEDED Activity One: One set of apple sequence cards stapled in order for each child, one set of apple sequence cards […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Stone Soup

OBJECTIVE Students will connect the story of Stone Soup to their own school garden or local farm, and will explore the process of harvest to eating. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? What is hunger?Why is sharing important? MATERIALS NEEDED Stone Soup book Stone soup recipe Large stock/soup pot Stone Wooden spoonHarvest basketVegetables (preferably […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics , ,