Hatching Eggs in the Classroom

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does our food come from? What is a life cycle? Where do  chickens come from?  OBJECTIVES Students will learn about where chickens come from and  learn the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs. Students will understand the needs  of an chick growing inside its egg and how an incubator mimics a hen […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Alphabet Garden Unit

NOTES This Unit is a series of 6 lessons, 3 to be done in the Fall and 3 to be done in the Spring. OBJECTIVE Students will understand the garden and notice components for all letters of the alphabet ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Why do we have gardens and farms? How do we use library resources to […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Worm Stories

OBJECTIVE Students will translate knowledge about worm’s anatomy, habitat and needs to survive into drawing and story telling. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do worms look like? What do they eat? How do they get around? What do they like to do? MATERIALS NEEDED Book Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin, Plastic plates to put worms, […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects , ,
Island Grown Schools topics

Worm Painting

OBJECTIVE Students will make observations of how worms move, talk about the foods they like to eat and make art. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What job does a worm do in the garden? What foods do worms eat? MATERIALS NEEDED Juicer Cut up red/purple beets Worms Cups Construction paper PROCEDURE IntroductionWhat kind of food do worms like […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics

Worm Introduction

OBJECTIVE Students will understand that worms help to make soil through digesting organic matter. Students will see the process from beginning to end through the worm bin/apartments. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does soil come from? What do worms need to survive? MATERIALS NEEDED Worm bin/apartments, Shredded paper, Watering cans/spray bottles, Finished worm castings, Food scraps, Gloves, […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Worm Experiment

OBJECTIVE Students will perform an experiment to answer questions they have about worms. Students will go through the scientific process to answer these questions. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does soil come from? MATERIALS NEEDED WormsShredded paperSpray bottlesEmpty clear recycled containers (tennis ball containers, plastic ice cream containers)Rubber bandsFabric to cover top of containerBlack construction paperFood scrapsScience […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics