Hatching Eggs in the Classroom

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does our food come from? What is a life cycle? Where do  chickens come from?  OBJECTIVES Students will learn about where chickens come from and  learn the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs. Students will understand the needs  of an chick growing inside its egg and how an incubator mimics a hen […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Winter in the Garden

OBJECTIVE Students will use their senses and observation to notice changes in the garden in the winter. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do seasons affect the garden? MATERIALS NEEDED Three adult group leaders PROCEDURE Introduction:• Review seasons• What did we see in the fall? Let’s see if things have changed. Activity:• Divide the class into three groups. […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

From Sheep to Sweater

OBJECTIVE Students will learn how wool is processed to make knitted garments. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we make wool? Why do farmers raise sheep? MATERIALS NEEDED Cards or props that represent the processing steps from grass to butter (see step #2) Toy sheep or puppetScissors to represent sheep shearsBag of raw fleeceDog grooming brushes or […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Planning our Garden

OBJECTIVE Students understand the different growing needs of different plants, the difference between perennial and annual plants. Students will understand the benefits and challenges of an annual raised bed growing system. Students are able to. organize a planting chart for different annual crops based on their growing needs. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the diverse components […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Making Applesauce

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to describe the seasonal changes on a farm, from fall to winter. Students will be able to identify different chores that are done on a farm in winter. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What happens on a farm in winter? What are the jobs on a farm in winter? How do we have […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Jobs of a Farmer

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the diverse jobs of a farmer. Students will be able to identify the tasks that the farmer must complete during each season on the farm. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? Why do we have farms? Why are farmers important? MATERIALS NEEDED Farm booko Farm by ElishaCoopero From Dawn till […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics