Worm Stories

OBJECTIVE Students will translate knowledge about worm’s anatomy, habitat and needs to survive into drawing and story telling. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do worms look like? What do they eat? How do they get around? What do they like to do? MATERIALS NEEDED Book Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin, Plastic plates to put worms, […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects , ,
Island Grown Schools topics

Butter Making

OBJECTIVE Students will learn how to make butter ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? Where does butter come from? What is butter? How can we feed ourselves? What happens on a farm in winter? MATERIALS NEEDED An old-fashioned butter churn or picture of onePer group:• Whipping or heavy cream at room temperature, approximately one […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics

Food Supply Charades

MA CURRICULUM FRAMEWORKS 4-ESS3-1 OBJECTIVE Students will understand the amount of time and energy that goes into growing produce. Students will understand that more resources are wasted when we waste food beyond the food itself. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do we waste when we throw out food? MATERIALS NEEDED What are our favorite fruits and vegetablesWhich […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics