Worm Introduction



Students will understand that worms help to make soil through digesting organic matter. Students will see the process from beginning to end through the worm bin/apartments.


Where does soil come from? What do worms need to survive?


Worm bin/apartments, Shredded paper, Watering cans/spray bottles, Finished worm castings, Food scraps, Gloves, Plastic spoons or tools for digging through worm bin


Ask the class: “Where does soil come from?”
“How do you think worms can help us make soil?”
Brainstorm a KWL sheet about worms (I Know-I Wonder-I Learned).

Activity: Set up different stations for students to do scientific observations
1) Worm bin – Bins of finished worm castings. Students can scoop out finished worm castings into another container or into the watering can for compost tea
2) Worm bin – empty bins. Students can fill the empty bins with food scraps and shredded paper.
3) Worm observation – Students can take a good look at worms, their sizes, shapes, movements, etc.

Wrap up/ Assessment: Each student shares one observation from the worm bins – one thing they didn’t know before. Add to the “L” column of the KWL sheet.


DIY worm bin to take home using recycled containers (ie. Tennis ball containers, ice cream containers)
Water the garlic beds with compost tea.
Use compost tea aerator kit to brew.

Worm Exploration and Observation Worksheet