Crop Planning

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to determine what seeds need and plan a garden ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do seeds grow? Why is it important to know where our seeds come from? What do seeds need? How can we make change through our food system MATERIALS NEEDED Seed packets. Approx. 30 different crops.Index cardsCrop plan template […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Companion Planting Lesson

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the relationships between different plants and how plants help each other grow. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Why do we plant different plants together? How can plants help other plants? MATERIALS NEEDED Six packs of plants (one per pair of students) Potting soil Tomatoes (and marigolds, if not already started) Watering cans Labels and […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Colonial America- Grains /Oats

OBJECTIVE To discover how New England colonists survived with limited means through bartering, hard agricultural work, and reliance on crops like hulless peelcorn oats. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What role did oats play in colonial history? How does food build community? MATERIALS NEEDED Pre-made Porridge (oats, molasses, water/milk, cinnamon stick), crock-pot, bowls and spoons, oat seeds, seed […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Colonial America- Harvest Season

MA CURRICULUM FRAMEWORKS 3.3 Identify who the Pilgrims were and explain why they left Europe to seek religious freedom; describe their journey and their early years in the Plymouth Colony. (H, G, C, E) OBJECTIVE Students will be able to identify the different types of food the the colonists ate and rhe reasons why these […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Cider Pressing

OBJECTIVE Students will explore the machine that makes apple cider. By taking part in the process, students will understand how apples turn into cider. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where do apples come from? How do apples grow? What can we do with apples? How can machines help us make food? What is your favorite kind of apple? […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Butter Making

OBJECTIVE Students will learn how to make butter ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where does food come from? Where does butter come from? What is butter? How can we feed ourselves? What happens on a farm in winter? MATERIALS NEEDED An old-fashioned butter churn or picture of onePer group:• Whipping or heavy cream at room temperature, approximately one […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics