Garden Tools

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to name and use different garden tools, know that tools are useful for different tasks, and know how to take care of tools. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How can tools help us in the garden? MATERIALS NEEDED Variety of garden tools PROCEDURE Introduction:What is a tool?Show different garden tools and demonstrate how […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects ,
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Salad Garden Planting and Poetry

OBJECTIVE Students will understand how plant a garden and be able to write poetry with the garden as a topic ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we grow food ourselves? What can we experience with all our senses in the garden? MATERIALS NEEDED Garden poem examples, Word Harvest worksheet Lettuce Kale Chard starts Pea and radish seeds […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Garden Observation

OBJECTIVE Students will take time to observe the garden closely. They will create a picture of something in the garden and then create a story based off of their drawing. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What is happening in our garden right now? MATERIALS NEEDED Blank Authors/Illustrators sheetCrayons, split into small containers for kids to have with them […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Garden in a Bag

OBJECTIVE Students will understand what seeds need to grow. Students will know the term “germinate” and they will be able to identify parts of a sprouting seed. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do seeds need to grow? MATERIALS NEEDED • Clear zip lock sandwich bags• Dry or soaked beans• Paper towels• Permanent marker• Stapler PROCEDURE Introduction:Review living […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Salad Garden Eating and Celebration

OBJECTIVE Students will try fresh vegetable produce ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What do we grow in the garden? How can we prepare a garden snack? MATERIALS NEEDED 2 big bowls for lettuce and massaged kale salad; 4 small bowls for feta cheese, dried fruit, sunflower seeds and dressing; plastic bag; lemon juice, olive oil, rice vinegar, honey, […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Garden Genetics

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the process of selective breeding. Students will identify desirable traits in different varieties of crops and explore their role as plant breeders. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where do seeds come from? How do our food choices affect the world around us? MATERIALS NEEDED Several different tomato varieties (eg. Green Zebra, Amish Paste, Peach, […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics