Garden Genetics

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the process of selective breeding. Students will identify desirable traits in different varieties of crops and explore their role as plant breeders. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Where do seeds come from? How do our food choices affect the world around us? MATERIALS NEEDED Several different tomato varieties (eg. Green Zebra, Amish Paste, Peach, […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Garden Collage

OBJECTIVE Students look through seed catalogues, identify and discuss their favorite fruits and vegetables. The class works together to decide what they’d like to grow. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? What should we grow in our garden? MATERIALS NEEDED • One really nice catalogue for showing the class, e.g. Baker Creek […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Garden Calendar Introduction

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to label months according to the actions that we take in the garden. Students will be able to number the days in the month. Students will understand the growing cycle. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we plan a garden? When do our plants grow? MATERIALS NEEDED 12 blank calendar months and […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Crop Planning

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to determine what seeds need and plan a garden ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do seeds grow? Why is it important to know where our seeds come from? What do seeds need? How can we make change through our food system MATERIALS NEEDED Seed packets. Approx. 30 different crops.Index cardsCrop plan template […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Companion Planting Lesson

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the relationships between different plants and how plants help each other grow. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Why do we plant different plants together? How can plants help other plants? MATERIALS NEEDED Six packs of plants (one per pair of students) Potting soil Tomatoes (and marigolds, if not already started) Watering cans Labels and […]

Grade levels ,
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics

Bug Scavenger Hunt

OBJECTIVE Students will figure out where to search for bugs, and will observe some of the bugs that live in the garden. If you do this lesson towards the end of a series on bugs (in our toolkit, we lump worm painting, worm stories, pollinators in the garden, and building a worm bin into a […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics