
Part 1: Sprouts in a Bag Objective: Understand seed germination and the parts of a bean seed.Activities: Part 2: Seedfolks, Chapter 1 Objective: Discuss food traditions and practice interviewing.Activities: Part 3: What the World Eats/Seedfolks, Chapters 2-3 Objective: Compare food cultures from around the world.Activities: Part 4: Food Journal/Seedfolks, Chapters 4-5 Objective: Reflect on personal […]

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Core curriculum subjects , ,
Island Grown Schools topics , , ,

Meet Sister Squash

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to name or draw the Three Sisters. Students will taste squash. Students will identify squash as one of the Three Sisters. Students will list the names of some different squash and pumpkin varieties. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What is a companion? What is our local tribe? Who are the Three Sisters? How […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Meet Sister Bean

OBJECTIVE Students will be able to name or draw the Three Sisters. Students will be able to plant a bean plant. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What is a companion? What is our local tribe? Who are the Three Sisters? How does sister bean help her other sisters grow? How do I plant a bean seed? MATERIALS Chart […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Understanding GMOs

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the difference between GMO crops and non-GMO crops. Students will recognize the impacts of genetic engineering in agriculture. Students will be able to engage in a debate around the pros and cons of GMO. Students will understand the concept of seed sovereignty. Students will know how to read labels to understand […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

The Science of Bread Baking

OBJECTIVE Students will understand the components and processes involved in making bread. Students will experience the full process of sourdough fermentation and baking. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS MATERIALS PROCEDURE Lesson 1: Introduction to WheatIntroduction: Bread is known as the “staff of life,” a staple food for manycivilizations, regarded highly because of its transformation through its rise. Whatare […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,

Tortilla Factory- Part 2

OBJECTIVE Students will go through the process of identifying and saving a particular type of seed. They will also understand the significance of saving seeds. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How do we take part in the Mexican tradition of growing, processing, and eating corn? MATERIALS NEEDED PROCEDURE Ahead of time- set up grinder beforehand, make sure students […]

Grade levels
Core curriculum subjects
Island Grown Schools topics ,