Meet Sister Squash



Students will be able to name or draw the Three Sisters. Students will taste squash. Students will identify squash as one of the Three Sisters. Students will list the names of some different squash and pumpkin varieties.


What is a companion?

What is our local tribe?

Who are the Three Sisters?

How does sister squash help her other sisters grow?

What nutrients do squash give me?


Measuring cups

1 big bowl


5 different pumpkin or squash types. Some suggested varieties: warty goblin, casper pumpkin, sugar pumpkin

Pumpkin Energy Bites Recipe



Start by reviewing the Three Sisters and observing the bean plant’s growth. Brainstorm how each sister helped each other. Tell students, “we are going to be focusing on sister squash today”


As a group observe a squash plant in the garden go over the parts of the plant. Hopefully there are flowers! Show how to identify a female vs male flower

Depending on the size of the group, these activities can be done as a whole group or in a rotation.

Station 1: Making Pumpkin Energy Bites

As you cook you can discuss the nutrition of pumpkin: high in vitamin C and vitamin A

Make a circle around the bowl and introduce ingredients. You could ask students if anyone has eaten pumpkin before

Give every student a turn to add something noting measurements and teaching how to level ingredients

Remind students everyone will get a turn to either add an ingredient or to mix

Station 2: Pumpkin/ Squash search 

Have students look for pumpkins hidden beforehand throughout the garden

Tell them that this is to learn more about pumpkin and squash types and to practice our garden walking feet

Go over how if you find a pumpkin, bring it to the sign that you think matches the variety of squash or pumpkin. For example, if it is a white pumpkin you might put it next to the sign that says “Casper” because of the ghost being white. 

Have this group re-hide the pumpkins for the next group

Wrap Up/Assessment: 

Give each student a spoonful of the the mixture to form into a ball and eat (a little messy but not too bad)

Go over the names of each pumpkin/squash variety as students eat the energy balls

Wash hands