- Students learn how to transplant flowers into the garden.
- Students use their senses to experience the garden.
How do we plant a pollinator garden? How can we capture the experience of the garden in a poem?
Flower starts, word harvest worksheets
Introduction: What do we already know about pollination? How have flowers adapted for animal pollinators? How have animals adapted for flowers? What do the flowers get out of the deal? What do the animals get out of the deal?
- Look at flower growth
- Discuss transplanting process
- Discuss garden poetry
- What is a poem?
- Discuss senses
- Read examples
- Explain word harvest worksheet
- Station 1: planting flowers
- Station 2: word harvest worksheet
Wrap up:
- Share observations and feelings from worksheets
- Write group poem on white board (if time available)
- Next time we meet we will use what we have here to write poems in the garden.