Planting a Sensory Garden



Students will learn about each of the five senses and connect them to something in the garden


Which senses do we use in the garden?


A plant/seeds for each sense, hand rakes, trowels, bagged compost (optional), laminated copy of the 5 senses scavenger hunt worksheet to use as a reminder

Smell: herbs- lavender, sage, mint, thyme, oregano
Taste: pea shoots, sorrel, cherry tomatoes, mint, kale

Sight: flowers- zinnias, calendula, marigolds Touch: sage, mullein
Hear: ornamental grasses, wind chime, bird feeder to attract birds


Buy plants or have starts ready, choose a bed to designate as the sensory garden bed


Ask children if they remember what we did in the garden last time. Ask if they can still name each of the five senses. Work together to name them all, using the worksheet from last time. Explain that this week we’re going to plant a sensory garden bed, with one (or more) plant for each sense.


  1. In the garden, pass around each plant/seeds, tell the students what it is, and ask them what sense they think it’s for. Let them smell/touch etc.
  2. Give each child a hand rake, and let them prepare the soil by removing all the weeds and loosening it with the rakes. Add bagged compost if necessary, and mix it in.
  3. Split the group into five groups, and give each group a plant. Have each group work together to dig a hole if they’re planting a potted plant, or plant their seeds according to the instructions on the packet.

Wrap up/ Assessment:
When everything’s been planted, ask the group which senses they would use with their plant. Is it something to eat? Something to touch? Etc.


Paint wooden signs that say “smell me”, “taste me” etc. and place around the sensory garden bed