Students will use their senses to describe and identify different herbs. Students will understand the importance of herbs and will help to create/maintain the school herb garden.
What are herbs? How do they grow? How can we use them? How can we identify different plants?
Variety of herbs
Sign making materials for the school garden (shingles and Sharpie markers or
wooden signs and paint)
(All students must wash their hands before this activity begins)
Ask students, “What is an herb?” Share some types of herbs and ask students to
raise their hand if they have heard of these herbs before. If so, ask students to
explain the context.
Explain that herbs are a type of plant that are primarily used for seasoning or
medicine. They have very strong smells and tastes, which help us identify them in
the garden!
In a group circle, divide students into groups. The number of groups depends on
how many varieties of herbs you have. 4 types of herbs = 4 groups
Ask students: What tools do they think scientists might use to identify plants?
Explain that these are not tools that we have in the greenhouse or a laboratory,
these are tools that everyone has on their own body.
Explore the senses with the students. “How can our eyes help us identify plants?
How can we use our ears/nose/mouth/fingers?”
Invite students to use their senses to identify their herbs.
Ask students to close their eyes, and put their hands out to receive their herb.
“First, we will use our sense of smell. With your eyes closed, see if you can recognize
the smell of your herb.”
“Next we use our sense of touch. With your eyes closed, see if you can recognize the
feel of your herb.”
“Next we use our sense of hearing. With your eyes closed, see if you can recognize
the sound of your herb.”
“Next we use our sense of taste. With your eyes closed, see if you can recognize
the taste of your herb” (Do not eat the entire herb!)
“Finally, open your eyes and see if you recognize the herb.”
One at a time, each group shares their observations of their herb using words to
describe the feel, look, smell, taste, and sound of their herb. The observations
are written up on a large sheet of paper. These are the students’ clues for their
next challenge.
If you have an existing school garden with herbs growing in it, once all groups
have shared observations, invite the students out into the garden. Using the clues
they came up with in class, they must now find their herb!
Once it is found, the group works together to create a sign for the herb in the garden.
Wrap up/Assessment:
Students share observations from their sensory exploration.
Students create signs for their herbs, which may include words they used
to describe it.
Prepare the school garden herb bed for the season, or plant a new one!