Garden Observation



Students will take time to observe the garden closely. They will create a picture of something in the garden and then create a story based off of their drawing.


What is happening in our garden right now?


Blank Authors/Illustrators sheet
Crayons, split into small containers for kids to have with them while working Pencil/Pen for teacher to write story
Writing surface such as clipboards



  1. Ask students if they’ve noticed what is happening in the garden (what’s growing, what’s ready to harvest, what’s the weather like)?
  2. Explain that they are going to write their own garden story today and will draw and write about what is happening in the garden. Demonstrate. You will walk around the garden until you find something you want to draw. Then you will sit by it and begin to draw. Show something simple like grass and walk kids through what the grass looks like (long green stem), what’s around it (dirt, bench, ants, etc) and show them how to simply draw.
  3. Then explain that they will create a story from their drawing. Have the group think of ways to describe what’s happening in the picture.
  4. Walk around the garden with the kids and spend time noticing what’s growing. Can they identify the different plants? What’s happening to them? Encourage them to take time to really inspect and ask lots of questions to get them to look closer. If they notice a flower then ask what color is the flower, what shape is the flower, etc.
  5. After you’ve spent some time exploring and talking about garden observations, ask students to pick what they want to draw/ write about and go sit by it. Bring around crayons, blank sheet and writing surface. Encourage them to really inspect every part of the plant – are the leaves smooth, spiky, jagged, etc. Check in with them as they are drawing in case they have questions.

Wrap up/Assessment
When their drawing is finished, ask them about the picture and what the story is. Write these down with the student and review before they leave. Label the different things in their pictures.


Do this activity again in the Spring, and with other units such as bugs, and hold on them to make a book at the end of the school year.