- Preheat oven to 350.
- In an 8-10” skillet over medium high heat, add olive oil and heat on medium. Add potatoes and onions and cook, stirring until potatoes are just done but not falling apart. While potatoes and onions cook, crack the eggs into a bowl and whip with salt and pepper.
- Next, strain the potato and onions into a colander on top of a bowl, to catch all the oil. Reserve oil. Wipe the skillet clean of any potato bits that may have stuck and return the skillet to the stove on medium heat with 1/4 cup of the reserved strained oil. Move the oil around the pan to coat the whole surface
- Whisk the rest of the reserved oil slowly into the eggs. Next, add the potato/onion mixture to the egg mixture and then pour it all together into the prepared skillet. Gently go around the pan with a spatula and pull the mixture from the outer edges of the pan to the center, scraping the bottom, as it cooks. After doing this once all the way around the pan, be sure the sliced potatoes are evenly distributed throughout the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and place the skillet in the oven.
- Cook until just set in the center, checking for doneness from time to time, about 20 minutes. Tortilla should be just set in the center. Remove from the oven and let the tortilla rest in the pan for about five minutes.
- Either cut into wedges and serve from the pan or place a plate large enough to cover the skillet on top and gently but quickly flip the pan over, releasing the tortilla onto the plate, being very careful of dropping hot oil. Serve with a simple salad.
Recipe by Austin Racine & Maura Martin.