Fall in the Garden



Students will use observational skills and senses to understand how the garden is affected by the fall season.dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore


What happens in the garden as seasons change?


Three adult group leaders


Introduction: What are the four seasons? What happens during the seasons?

• Divide the class into three groups. Assign one group to study each of the
following: plants, animals and insects, weather and seasons. Direct all of the groups to observe the changes in the plants (or animals and insects, or weather and seasons) that they notice in the garden. Supply the adult leader of each group with a list of questions such as the following to guide

Plant Group
o What plants are growing in the garden today?
o What plants were here in the summer and are now gone?
o What do you think happened to them?
o Are there any plants now that were not here in the summer?
o Do the plants that are still here from summer look and feel different
now? How?
o What do you think the garden will be like tomorrow? o What will the plants be like in the winter?

Animal and Insect Groups
o What animals/insects can we see in the garden now?
o What animals and insects were here in the summer and are now
gone? Where do you think they are now?
o Are there any animals and insects here now that were not here in
the summer?
o Are there any animals and insects still here from summer? Are they
any different now?
o What will happen to the animals/insects in the winter when it
gets colder?

Weather and Season Group
o What is the weather like in the garden today? What is the sky like? o Is the air warm? Cold? Wet? Dry?
o How has the weather changed since our last visit?
o What clothes did we wear last time we visited the garden? What
clothes are we wearing now? Why?
o What is different about the soil? What will the weather be like in
the winter?
o What will the soil be like?

Wrap up/ Assessment:
• Share observations


Seasons lesson in winter and spring, “adopt a tree” lessons