Life Cycle of a Seed



The students will learn about the life cycle of a seed through creative play.


How does a seed grow?


Calm, soothing music, plant mister with water, small snack in little baggies, old towels or baby blankets.


This activity involves the children listening to an adult softly talking them through the life of a seed. The children quietly and independently act out the process. Soft music playing in the background adds peace to the activity.

Explain to the children that they are going to experience the life of a seed. Ask them all to find a comfortable spot with enough room around them to be able to spread their arms wide.

Turn on the calm music, keeping volume soft.
Begin telling the story:

“In the fall, seeds have fallen on the ground and are preparing for a long winters rest. Every seed is given a little store of food to eat when the spring rains come.”
Hand out little baggies of snack to the children.

“In order to become a healthy plant, the seeds never eat their food until the ground warms up and they are ready to grow.”
“The ground gets cold and the first snows blanket the earth and all the seeds.” Drape towels over the backs of the children.

“The seeds fall asleep under the blanket of snow and await the warmer days of springtime.” You can turn off the lights to heighten the effect.

“Slowly the ground begins to warm up and the seeds slowly awaken. They wait for the spring rain to begin to grow. Once they feel the rain, they first put out their root and slowly drink up the water.” Go around and lightly mist the children with water.

“After the first drink, the seed uncurls a little and eats its stored up food” The children can eat their snack now. When they are finished, continue on.

“Now that the seeds have some energy from their snack, they can begin to send a sprout up through the ground. The small sprouts stretch toward the light and grow taller and taller as the days go by. They grow leaves that stretch even further toward the sun. The warm breezes rustle through their leaves.”

“Now that the plant has grown up, the summer is upon them and they decide that it is a good time to grow flowers. The flowers are big and bright. They also have sweet nectar so that they can attract bees. The bees buzz around and visit all of the flowers to collect the sweet nectar to make honey.”
Pretend to be a bee visiting all of the flowers “As the bee visits the flowers, it collects pollen from one and brings it to another so that all of the flowers can produce new seeds.”

“The cool winds of fall are beginning to blow. The plants begin to lose their leaves and flower petals. They spend their remaining energy making a fruit. The fruit gets bigger and bigger until it finally falls off the plant and splits open. Something falls out that will allow for a new life next year. What could it be?”
Help the children find the answer: seeds.

Wrap up/ Assessment:
Seed Life Cycle Puzzle: Students illustrate/color the seed life cycle puzzle, cut it out, and swap with their neighbor. Each complete the puzzle. Then they may switch with another classmate.