By discussing and saving seeds from the garden, students learn how to save seeds and why seed saving is important.
Where do seeds come from?
Dried seed pods to bring into the classroom and other seeds to save in the garden
• Review: what is the job of a plant?
• How does a carrot plant make seeds? A parsley plant?
• What does it mean to save seeds? Why do gardeners save seeds? Discuss:
–Local adaptability
–Preserving rare varieties
–Historical relationship with plant o Saving money
–Community food sovereignty
Activity 1: Introduce students to seed pod inside (dried scarlet runner bean pods work great)
• What do you think this is? Pass out pod to each student, but have them wait to open them all at the same time
• Open pods – save in envelope
• Discuss seed saving other varieties and what we can save in our garden
Activity 2: Go outside to collect pods and fruits to save seeds from
• Come inside to harvest seeds, save and label in envelopes
• It’s great to either make or give out small envelopes for students to take
some seeds home
Wrap up: When/ how/ where will we plant these seeds?
Press flowers, “the role of a flower” – flower role play and dissection